This is a service for my students in Berlin, for my skype-students in New York and Los Angeles and for all readers who are interested in learning German.
Hier findest du Informationen
- über die deutsche Sprache,
- über Kurse, die ich anbiete.
Hier findest du Notizen über interessante Themen, die in meinem Unterricht auftauchen:
- Probleme der Grammatik,
- neue, seltsame, lange, sehr lange und sehr sehr lange Wörter,
- Sprüche von den Straßen Berlins und was sie bedeuten,
- Verhalten auf den Straßen Berlins und was es bedeutet,
- was man in welcher Situation am besten sagt,
- Videos, Fotos, Texte für den Unterricht,
- Antworten auf Fragen, die ich im Unterricht nicht geben konnte.
Here, you will find notes and news from German class. You will read about questions and issues of the German language that have arisen from lessons I have given during the week.
- problems of grammar,
- new compound nouns of breathtaking length (for your collection),
- phrases, overheard on the streets of Berlin,
- observations of behavior and habits of Berliners,
- what to say in which situation,
- videos, photographs, texts for class and homework,
- answers to questions I was not able give in class.
Viel Glück beim Lernen!
Good luck with your studies!
I am interested in learning any one of the foreign languages. That time I have read your blog, your information is really helpful for learning German as a second language..Just now I have completed German language Classes in Chennai at FITA. They also offer French Language Classes in Chennai.